Kilimanjaro Photos

Here are some of the many photos from our Memorial Kilimanjaro Trek.
We will add more or and delete some of these as we receive further photos from everyone.

The photos are arranged in chronological order throughout the week of our trip. You can view them in this order or randomly as you wish. To view the photos at maximum screen size move your mouse down to the white section below the thumbnail images and left click on the orange square in the bottom left hand corner of the frame.
This opens a new window with larger thumbnail images. There are 36 on each page and to move between the page of images click on the arrows. To the right of the images are the titles and captions on the photos.

Move your mouse down the list of captions or to any image and left click to see the photo. You can then look through the photos in turn by clicking on the arrows. To go back to the thumbnails click on the Picture Index icon at the bottom left.

When you have finished just close the window by clicking on the X in the top right hand corner.